
I am an amateur photographer living in Barrie, Ontario, Canada.

I began taking pictures in the days of film and manual focus lenses, but left the hobby when my life became busy with family and work.

Eight years ago I returned to taking pictures and although the basics have remained much the same, taking and processing digital images required learning a new set of skills. It has also opened a new world of possibilities and the ability to capture images that were next to impossible 35 years ago.

I will photograph almost anything if I believe there is an image worth saving or a story worth telling. I enjoy landscapes, cityscapes, nature, and astrophotography the most. Standing alone in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere to capture an image of the Milky Way or an object located millions of light years from earth is the perfect antidote to the stress and pressures of modern life. It is both an invigorating and humbling experience.

All of my photos are shot in a “RAW” format and are processed manually using Adobe Lightroom; the digital and more versatile equivalent of what film photographers do in a darkroom. When I use Photoshop, it’s to remove small imperfections or distractions and adjust the image to what I saw. My mission is to improve as a photographer, not become a graphic artist.

In the most simple terms, photography is the art of capturing light with a camera to create an image. It’s also the universal language, and speaks to everyone. I take photographs for many reasons, but mainly I hope to move people to see the world in a different way.